*english version below
Dragi tekači Virtualne 10ke!
"Ti si pogumnejši kot verjameš, močnejši kot se zdi in pametnejši kot si misliš.
Verjemi vase in v svojo notranjo moč in sposobnosti!"
- A.A. Milne
14. Nočna 10ka ali Virtualna Nočna 10ka je fantastično uspela. Zaradi vseh vas.
Zato, spoštovane in spoštovani, 1000x hvala! Vsem petstotim hvala, da ste nam v teh negotovih in novih časih zaupali in si zagotovili svojo štartno številko za letošnjo 10ko. Hvala vsakemu posebej še enkrat: projekt ste dobesedno vzeli za svojega in se ga lotili z vso resnostjo. Odtekli ste, naravnost odlično in potrdili, da je bila Virtualna 10ka vredna svojega imena. Legende!
Virtualno dirko sta povsem na vrhu zaključila Jani Mulej (pred bratoma Trček) in Neja Kršinar (pred klubskima kolegicama Nežo in Lauro) in dala dirki tudi najvišjo rezultatsko veljavo. Čestitke tudi vsem ostalim, ki ste se borili širom Slovenija od Bleda do Novega mesta, od Goričkega do Pirana, pa od Berlina do Avstralije. Najboljši ste, zaslužite si dolgo, brezskrbno in noro poletje!
Virtualna 10ka vas pozdravlja in vabi na 15. Nočno 10ko na Bled, 26. junija 2021. PRIJAVE SPET ODPRTE, DOBRODOŠLI!
#virtualna10ka #nocna10ka #cocacola #hervis #hoka #kremšnita #icepower
Dear Virtualna 10ka runners!
“You Are Braver Than You Believe and Stronger Than You Seem and Smarter Than You Think ”
- А.А. Milne
14. Nočna 10ka or Virtualna 10ka was a fantastic success. Because of all of you.
Therefore, dear runners, 1000x thank you! Thank you to all fivehundred of you for trusting us in these uncertain times and securing your starting number for this year’s 10ko. Thanks once more: you literally took the project as your own and race it seriously. You raced and confirmed that Virtualna 10ka was worth its name. Legends!
Jani Mulej (in front of the Trček brothers) and Neja Kršinar (in front of club colleagues Neža and Laura) finished the virtual race at the very top and gave the race the highest value. Congratulations also to all the others who fought all over Slovenia and worldwide from Bled to Novo mesto, from Goričko to Piran, and from Berlin to Australia. You are the best, you deserve a long, carefree and crazy summer!
Virtualna 10ka greets you and invites you to 15. Nočna 10ko to Bled, June 26, 2021. REGISTRATIONS OPEN AGAIN, WELCOME!
# virtualna10ka #cocacola #hervis #hoka #kremsnita #icepower